Helping Our Highly Sensitive Children

We are currently living in a beautiful age of transformation and spiritual awakening, even though it may not feel like this right now. Amongst the chaos and disharmony in this world, there are a wave of special children being born to help guide us into a new age; one of peace and harmony.

Glenn and his sons Eden and Noah
Glenn and his sons Eden and Noah

Some call them star children, indigo, crystal or rainbow children. Whatever label we give to them, these children are highly sensitive beings of pure light and they are here to help us move into the Age of Aquarius.

These special children are born with wise minds, open hearts and awakened souls. They are our greatest teachers and they are here to change the world.

Here are some common traits of the highly sensitive child:

1. Intense emotional reactions

They feel almost euphoric when they are happy but also feel anger, sadness and fear more intensely. They cry often and their feelings are hurt easily. They tend to be little worriers who mull things over and can carry the heaviness of the world on their shoulders. This is why many sensitive children experience anxiety.

2. Easily overstimulated

These are the children who take a long time to go to sleep at night as they find it difficult to wind down. They are easily overstimulated by too much activity, television/screen time, socialising, schoolwork and so on.

Many parents of sensitive children notice a change in behaviour following periods of overstimulation and sleep patterns especially are affected. They may take a long time to go to sleep, struggle to stay asleep or experience nightmares.

Glenn, wife Nicola and sons, Eden and Noah
Glenn, wife Nicola and sons, Eden and Noah
3. Highly Empathic

These beautiful souls have such open hearts, they are like little sponges who soak up the feelings of others around them, even those they don’t know. They are kind, caring and can take on the role of the ‘helper’ or ‘rescuer’.

4. Introverted Personalities

Highly sensitive children usually come across as introverted, especially before you get to know them. They can appear quiet, shy and withdrawn, especially in large crowds or in unfamiliar places and they are hesitant in new situations.

Social situations overwhelm them easily and they feel much more comfortable in small groups. They are slow to warm to people and feel very shy around strangers. They prefer to stay close to mum and dad or someone they view as ‘safe’ until they feel comfortable.

5. Sensitive to Stimuli

A common challenge for sensitive children is their high sensitivity to subtle stimuli. They may dislike rough clothing or ‘itchy’ tags, feel too hot or too cold and so on. They can be very sensitive to bright lights, loud noises, strong smells and subtle changes that others may not even be aware of.

It is also very common for sensitive children to have intolerances to certain foods such as gluten, dairy, soya and they definitely don’t do well on foods that contain artificial colours and additives.

6. Wise beyond their years

These are the children who appear mature and have an ‘old head on young shoulders’. They might prefer spending time with adults instead of other children and appear very responsible. They have bright minds and ask thoughtful questions and as they grow they become our wisest teacher!

Highly sensitive children are a true blessing to humanity. They embody the medicine that this world so desperately needs, but in order for them to thrive in this age, it’s important they are understood by those closest to them and supported in preserving their free spirit, so they can fulfil their mission here on Earth.

So, what specifically can we do to help?
1. Offer them CALMNESS

Feeling overwhelmed is usually the biggest challenge for sensitive children. Whether it be loud noises, intense emotions or crowded places that overwhelm them, it’s important we teach them how to relax and feel calm.

Simply walking barefoot on the Earth is a fantastic way to help children feel more balanced, centred and grounded. Playing outside in nature and connecting with the elements is perhaps the most beneficial remedy for these special souls. Meditation is also a wonderful way to help these children and this is something they can enjoy from a young age.

Storytelling meditations are specifically designed to engage children and use subtle language to help relax their body, calm their busy mind and assist them in processing difficult or uncomfortable emotions.

2. Practice ROUTINE

Sensitive children like routine. Within their routine it is of course beneficial to make time for free play, adventure and free-spirited exploration, but generally if they have a good routine in place, they will feel less overwhelmed.

It is especially important to create a calm bedtime routine, starting one hour before they climb into bed. A relaxing bath, a bedtime story and listening to a guided meditation can help these sensitive souls to let go of the day and clear their minds before they drift into slumber.

3. Give them an OUTLET

Sensitive children are passionate, creative, and deeply emotional so it’s important they have a way to channel these intense energies. Whether it be sport, music, the arts or something else they enjoy, it’s vital they have an outlet, to avoid them feeling overwhelmed.

Encourage them to make time for what they love. Maybe they like to dance, sing, paint, make music, act, play football, practice martial arts or something else. Sensitives can feel the heaviness of the world and making time for fun and creativity is important!

4. PROTECT their energy

However tempting it might be to wrap our little sensitives in cotton wool, they are here to be out in the world, making a difference. Something you can do however, is place an energetic bubble of protection around them that will help shield them from lower energies and assist them in feeling more balanced. For young children, you can imagine them being surrounded by a beautiful bubble of pure white light.

Hold the intention that this bubble protects and shields them from all lower energies that aren’t for their highest good, but allows positive energy to flow freely into their energy field. If your child is old enough to practice the visualisation themselves, you can guide them in imagining the bubble around them and repeating the following affirmation out loud:

‘It is my intention to be shielded and protected from all lower energies that are not for my highest good. I am open to receive all positive, high vibrational energy that is for my highest benefit and I affirm that I am energetically clear, grounded and protected and all times. So be it and so it is’.

5. Teach them about BOUNDARIES

Empathic children can easily fall into the role of the ‘helper’ or ‘rescuer’ as they grow older and teaching them to have boundaries can help to avoid burnout; both physical and emotional. These special children can feel as though it’s their job to ‘fix’ others and this is a huge responsibility for anybody to take on, but especially children.

Teaching them that it’s not their job to fix others and that it’s okay to say no, is very important. The greatest healers are those who heal themselves first and create safe and appropriate boundaries. Self-care is vital for sensitives as is knowing that it’s okay to stay away from anything that drains and depletes them.

It’s also worth noting that often, sensitive children are born to sensitive parents. If you are a highly sensitive adult then you will also benefit from practicing the steps above yourself. Take the time to learn about your sensitivity, about what it means to be an ‘empath’ and practice self-care daily.

And finally… always remember that your children never need you to be perfect.

They chose YOU for a reason and you are here on this Earth plane to learn from each other and to grow together.

With love to you, from one sensitive to another.

By Nicola Harrold

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